

SSEF Empowers Chocolatiers

May 27, 2024 / 1:50 PM
Sharjah24: The Sharjah Social Empowerment Foundation conducted a practical workshop titled "Chocolate Making in Collaboration with the Chocolate Academy Centre - Dubai". This workshop attracted a diverse group of enthusiastic young women eager to explore the world of chocolate making. Led by Chef Laura Gonzalez, the workshop aimed to teach and enhance the art of chocolate making, with the goal of developing participants' skills in dessert preparation for professional empowerment.
The workshop provided fundamental information on confectionery production, introducing participants to key skills and secrets to successfully create various types of cookies and cakes, deepening their understanding of the art of chocolate. Starting from the basics of selection and melting, the workshop covered advanced techniques for filling, shaping chocolates, and creating different types of desserts.

Through hands-on activities, the workshop offered enriching educational opportunities and practical experience for participants to learn and master the art of dessert making. This would enable them to skillfully apply their craft at home, potentially creating a new source of income for their families.

Nawal Al-Hamdi, Director of Social Prosperity Management, stated, "The foundation is committed to providing diverse and enriching experiences to motivate and empower its members across various programmes. This workshop specifically focused on professional empowerment, playing an active role in supporting and fostering entrepreneurial projects, inspiring individuals to pursue ventures aligned with their passions, hobbies, and capabilities."

She continued, "We recognise the importance of encouraging our youth to embrace small-scale projects, promoting inspirational concepts to cultivate successful entrepreneurs capable of independence and meeting the demands of the job market. This lays a strong foundation for them to build innovative projects that enhance their chances of success and self-reliance, paving the way for their professional empowerment."

Al-Hamdi further highlighted the positive impact of the workshop on the participants, noting their enthusiastic interaction with Chef Laura and their eagerness to understand the precision and creativity required in chocolate making. Their expressed satisfaction with the learning experience reinforced their readiness to initiate and develop their own projects, as well as their keenness to participate in future workshops.

The foundation, through its professional empowerment programmes, endeavours to instill self-reliance among its members, develop systematic training methodologies with an educational and preparatory focus, contribute to the cultivation of social, professional, and developmental values, and prepare members to successfully manage their futures and confront future job markets. Additionally, it aims to enhance their work culture, develop necessary skills supportive of both specific job fields and general life skills.
May 27, 2024 / 1:50 PM

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