

Sharjah unveils occupational safety guide

September 07, 2023 / 11:11 AM
Sharjah24: The Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority (SPSA) has made a significant announcement regarding the release of the "Occupational Safety and Health Officers Guide." This comprehensive guide encompasses 26 crucial responsibilities and essential steps aimed at fostering a secure and healthy working environment across diverse workplaces. This initiative underscores the Emirate of Sharjah's steadfast commitment to occupational safety and health, with the goal of empowering occupational safety and health officers to ensure the safety and well-being of both employees and visitors.
His Excellency Sheikh Eng. Khalid bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Chairman of (SPSA), emphasised that the United Arab Emirates places a high priority on safeguarding the health and safety of its workforce within the workplace. This commitment is evidenced through the issuance of legislation and laws aimed at protecting the rights of employees and labourers. The release of this guide is closely aligned with the roles and responsibilities of occupational safety and health officers, encompassing both governmental and private entities operating within the Emirate of Sharjah. The guide also encourages the adoption of a robust safety culture to promote synergy between safety measures and productivity.

Dr. Musab Al-Amin, Occupational Health and Safety Advisor at the Authority, pointed out that the guide offers a comprehensive perspective on a broad spectrum of responsibilities entrusted to occupational safety and health officers. These duties range from risk identification and assessment to employee training and enhancements to the work environment. The guide comprehensively addresses all aspects of safety and health. With the launch of the "Occupational Safety and Health Officers Guide," Sharjah is paving the way towards a prosperous and secure future for both labourers and organisations. This aligns with their vision of realising a secure community devoid of hazards.

The Authority has rolled out 50 safety and occupational health guides so far as part of its commitment to enhancing the Sharjah occupational safety and health system. These guides serve to ensure the safety of activities within the Emirate by providing essential information for risk monitoring, analysis, and the implementation of necessary preventative measures.
September 07, 2023 / 11:11 AM

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