

Aisha Ghabish: SIH celebrates Seniors’ and coffee days

October 01, 2021 / 9:12 PM
Sharjah 24: Eleven competitors from Gulf and Arab nations showcased a wide range of coffee flavours at the Sharjah Institute for Heritage (SIH) on Friday to commemorate the International Day for Older Persons and the International Day for Coffee.
Aisha Obaid Ghabish, Director of Events and Activities at SIH, noted that the institute commemorated the International Day of the Older Persons and the International Day of Coffee with a range of activities, including performances by the Sharjah National Folklore Troupe and the Palestinian Dabkah Troupe.

According to Ghabish's statements to "Sharjah 24," the International Day of the Older Persons was hosted in collaboration with the Sharjah Social Services Department, while Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan, Colombia, France, and Ethiopia participated in the International Coffee Day.
October 01, 2021 / 9:12 PM

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