

Sharjah launches 5th Cycle of Age-Friendly initiative

May 23, 2024 / 10:26 AM
Sharjah24: The "Sharjah Age-Friendly Programme" at the Sharjah Social Services Department has launched the participation guide for the fifth cycle of the Age-Friendly Institutions Initiative. This initiative invites government, private, and semi-government institutions to participate by developing programmes and services that aid the elderly, making their daily lives easier and integrating them into society. This initiative adheres to the eight standards set by the Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities, of which Sharjah has been a member since 2017. The application period runs from May 14 to the end of June, and submissions can be made via the website: https://agefriendly.shj.ae. Evaluative visits will precede the announcement of results, which will be revealed on October 1, International Day of Older Persons.
Asmaa Al Khodari, Director of the Sharjah Age-Friendly Programme, noted that since the initiative's inception in 2020, 39 institutions in Sharjah and the Eastern and Central regions have been recognised as age-friendly. These institutions are reevaluated every three years. To qualify, institutions must meet 80% of the approved standards, which focus on engineering environments, services, facilities, and social empowerment to ensure they accommodate elderly users. Our mission is to encourage all institutions to adapt and enhance their facilities and services to meet the needs of the elderly.

Al Khodari emphasised the criteria for institutions to be recognised as age-friendly, which include engineering requirements and standards for accessible and excellent services. These improvements benefit not only the elderly but also other community groups, such as individuals with disabilities, promoting social integration and encouraging active aging by improving inclusion and participation opportunities.

To participate in the initiative, institutions must meet 80% of the applicable standards and fulfill the basic evaluation criteria. If these are not met, participation is revoked. The evaluation committee conducts visits to assess the institutions in person. Institutions can reapply if they relocate or wish to participate with a new branch, and they may use images and logos from the recognition for marketing purposes.

The initiative is based on three strategic principles: sustainability, ensuring programes and activities are continuous; equality, working with the elderly on principles of fairness and justice; and advocacy, promoting the idea that Sharjah is an age-friendly city.

The Sharjah Age-Friendly Cities Programme aims to create a sustainable, inclusive environment that supports the physical, health, social, economic, and urban needs of the elderly. This initiative will identify age-friendly institutions and facilities that will carry the title "Age-Friendly Institution."

The initiative aims to strengthen Sharjah’s membership in the WHO’s Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities, support the strategic plan of the Sharjah Age-Friendly City Programme, and create a cohesive environment that meets the needs of the elderly in the emirate. It also aims to enhance the readiness of participating institutions' environments and services to align with the needs of the elderly and raise community awareness about best practices and programmes for the elderly in the emirate, highlighting the contributions of participating institutions with age-friendly services.

May 23, 2024 / 10:26 AM

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