

FOD honours “Superhero 2024” winners

May 23, 2024 / 11:06 PM
Sharjah24: The Friends For Diabetes association held an event at the Culture Palace in Sharjah to recognise the "Superhero 2024" program. 36 schools took part, and the champions were celebrated. The program is designed to provide assistance to students with diabetes in schools and promote community awareness.
Dr. Elham Al Amiri, Vice President of the Friends of Diabetes Association under the Health Promotion Department of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah, mentioned that the "Superhero 2024" initiative honored schools and students. The ceremony took place at the Culture Palace in Sharjah and was well-attended by students, parents, teachers, and various public figures interested in health and education.

She recently stated in an interview with Sharjah 24 that the initiative aims to raise awareness about diabetes and ensure that students with the disease are treated fairly in schools. At the end of each phase of the initiative, winners are chosen in categories such as theatrical shows, modern electronic innovations, and creative ways of sharing information about diabetes.

Dr. Al Amiri has highlighted that the main goals of the program are to help students with diabetes feel included and supported at school, raise awareness about how to manage the condition, and make sure that students have access to proper care in case of emergencies. The program also aims to empower students to learn more about diabetes so they can take better care of themselves.

FOD's VP stated that studies indicate that 70% of cases of type 2 diabetes can be avoided by exercising and eating healthy foods. Recently, diabetes has spread among children, both type 1 and type 2, which used to affect adults in the past due to consuming fast food and not exercising.
May 23, 2024 / 11:06 PM

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