

SM stresses need to register disability cards for public parking

May 09, 2024 / 4:52 PM
Sharjah 24: The Sharjah Municipality (SM) is committed to enhancing its services to align with the emirate's digital transformation, ensuring a seamless experience for the public. In this pursuit, the municipality has integrated the cards of individuals with disabilities into the public parking system, eliminating the need to display them on vehicle windshields. This integration streamlines the registration process, enhancing convenience for users, and facilitating efficient monitoring through digital scanning vehicles.
Hamed Al Qa’ed, Director of the Public Parking Department at SM, emphasised the municipality's ongoing efforts to make Sharjah's parking facilities more accessible to individuals with disabilities. By registering their vehicles in the integrated parking system, individuals with disabilities can utilise all parking lots without displaying physical permits. This proactive approach aims to prevent parking violations resulting from forgotten permits.

He stated that the municipality heavily relies on smart inspection services utilising digital scanning vehicles equipped with high-quality cameras. These vehicles scan vehicle plates, monitor parking violations, and seamlessly transfer data to the system for necessary action by inspectors. Importantly, the digital scanning process does not require physical display of disability permits, offering greater flexibility and efficiency for users.

Al Qa’ed added that registering individuals with disabilities in the parking system reduces errors during plate scanning and streamlines the inspection process. He highlighted that this registration process is akin to the annual subscription system provided to customers, underscoring the importance of registration for individuals with disability cards. This ensures compliance and minimises the risk of penalties or violations, with the registration process simplified through the municipality's online platform.
May 09, 2024 / 4:52 PM

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