

Xposure 2024: Lenoir shows simplicity in nature’s beauty

March 04, 2024 / 1:34 PM
Sharjah24: The captivating allure of landscape photography took centre stage at the Xposure International Photography Festival (Xposure 2024) as acclaimed nature and landscape photographer Jean-Michel Lenoir shared several decades of creative insights at a talk titled ‘A Quest for Beauty in Landscape Photography’ on Sunday.
Lenoir, known for his aesthetic and minimalist approach to fine art photography, showcased many of his stunning images, capturing the essence of nature’s still life and enchanting moments, simultaneously engaging the audience with his passion for the wilderness and his relentless pursuit of beauty through the lens.

He shed light on his creative journey through the years, delving into the inspirations behind his iconic projects, Evanescence and Elements, both of which are part of the present exhibition at Xposure.

“As a landscape photographer, my motivation and inspiration stem from living in the present moment to feel and dream my images," remarked Lenoir. "The quest for beauty in the wilderness drives my creative pursuits."

He elaborated on his famed, minimalist approach to photography, highlighting that it put the power of suggestion over description. “Less is more,” he said, “to suggest rather than to describe. I aim to simplify compositions, focusing on essential elements to evoke imagination and atmosphere.”

Simplicity and elegance reign supreme in his serene landscapes. From the expansive Scottish highlands to the Northern Lights in Norway, each photograph tells a story of its own, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the atmospheric beauty of nature.

The creative, who is also tour leader with Photographes du Monde, the specialised Paris travel agency that offers unique photo tours and workshops, and also serves as an ambassador for Fujifilm, Cokin Filters, and various fine art galleries worldwide.

Lenoir displayed particularly striking images of a single animal and a bare tree silhouetted against nothing but an expansive backdrop of white snowline and pale blue sky. “It sometimes took me 400 stills to get these right, because I kept placing the subject on the side, but it finally only made sense when I placed them in the middle,” he revealed. “Sometimes, you also need to break the rules to improve your own creativity.”

In ‘Elements,’ Lenoir explored the dramatic interplay between land and sea, seeking to express a sense of freedom amidst the turbulent pandemic period when he took the photos. “The horizon represents freedom for me,” he shared, “a metaphor for the simple things we cherish, especially during challenging periods like the Covid-19 pandemic.”

“Landscape photography is not just about what you see,” he explained, “but about capturing specific atmospheres and emotions. By embracing my curiosity and keeping it simple, I strive to create images that resonate with viewers and evoke a sense of connection with nature’s beauty.”
March 04, 2024 / 1:34 PM

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