

SCFA explores AI's power on community security

February 15, 2024 / 4:16 PM
Sharjah24: The Cultural Office of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah hosted a talk titled “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Community Security.” Technical expert Ahmed Abdulrahim Al Zarouni presented the seminar.
The talk was part of the Sharjah Cultural Salon’s activities. 

At the beginning of his talk, Al Zarouni explained the concept of structural artificial intelligence and its significance for families and individuals in today's world. He emphasised the importance of investing in this technology for continuous learning and applying it in various fields of daily life, such as health, where it can assist in diagnosis and medical research, and in programming and design, where it facilitates development and creativity processes. It also opens up numerous opportunities for individuals to explore the field of development. In management and auditing, it enables faster, more accurate, and higher-quality task completion, and in many other fields artificial intelligence can make a difference.

He emphasised the importance of security and privacy when using structural artificial intelligence and discussed strategies to overcome related challenges for optimal use.

During his talk, he discussed both the positive and negative aspects of technology usage, but focused more on the negative side, such as creating false news or content that impersonates real people. This type of content can affect trust in the information and expose facts to danger. Additionally, the use of this technology can be dangerous in developing malware or carrying out complex cyberattacks.

He also highlighted the importance of anticipating the future and the promising new opportunities for structural artificial intelligence in multiple fields.
February 15, 2024 / 4:16 PM

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