

Experts at SICFAB discuss phenomenon of Marine Stranding

February 07, 2024 / 5:10 PM
During the event
Sharjah 24: The third day of the 23rd edition of the Sharjah International Conservation Forum for Arabia’s Biodiversity witnessed rich and in-depth sessions where participants discussed a series of important environmental issues. These included the phenomenon of marine stranding, genetics, and their pivotal role in preserving the environment and its various systems.
The forum is organised by the Environment and Protected Areas Authority in Sharjah (EPAA) and takes place in Sharjah Safari from February 5 to 8. The event hosts over 215 experts, researchers, and specialists in the environmental field from various countries around the world.

Marine Stranding... A Threat to the Ecological System
The first session of the third day aimed to understand and address the stranding incidents faced by marine creatures in many parts of the world, with a special focus on sea snakes in the Arabian Peninsula. The session featured a selection of experienced veterinarians in studying and treating the health of marine creatures, as well as environmental researchers, creating an active platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience among them and thinking about developing new and advanced strategies to preserve marine life.

Enhancing the Marine Response Network
The session began with a comprehensive introduction on conservation of genetic diversity, followed by a paper presented by Dr. Helen Senn, which showcased a report on regional activities dedicated to marine stranding cases. The report sought to create an accurate map of the efforts of regional response teams, as well as areas lacking coverage within marine response networks. The session also included a discussion on the stranding network and various methods to strengthen it.

Within the session's papers, Fadi Yaghmour spoke about the Sharjah Strandings Response Programme, while Dr. Elise Marquis reviewed the experience of SeaWorld Research & Rescue Center. Natassia Mannina touched on the National Aquarium project, and Timea Krisztina Szekely provided an overview of projects at Atlantis Aquarium.

Dr. Hind Al Marri reviewed marine stranding projects at the Environment Agency in Abu Dhabi, and Barbara Langlenton presented a paper titled "Conservation of Marine Environment and Its Tourism" on the occasion of celebrating 20 years of marine turtle rehabilitation. Meanwhile, Dr. Andrew Wilson presented the results of the project on Large whale entanglement assessment and response in the Arabian Sea.

Sea Snake Stranding... Efforts and Solutions
The third day's agenda also focused on the life of sea snakes in the Arabian Peninsula, where experts shared their research knowledge and practical experiences concerning the habitat, behavior, and conservation of these creatures, underscoring their fundamental importance in the sustainability of the marine ecosystem. The session witnessed an extensive discussion on the detailed exploration of pathology in stranded sea snakes, aiming for a deeper understanding of the health concerns and risks facing these creatures, and developing effective measures for the conservation of these species.

Interactive Workshops and Guidelines for Attendees
The session included an interactive workshop on creating a datasheet for sample collection during post-mortem examinations, which represented an advancement in marine research methodologies. Participants were guided through the systematic process of collecting and analysing data specific to stranded marine, representing a crucial step in understanding and mitigating the causes of stranding.

The interactive workshop was followed by a short practical exercise in safely conducting post-mortem examinations on sea snakes, using the newly developed data collection and sample format. It was led by Dr. Richard Blogg and Dr.Susannah Philip, with participation from Dr. David Williams.

The session also included a discussion on sea snake, a subject of importance to both public health and wildlife management. Attendees witnessed an educational workshop on first aid for sea snake and specific treatment protocols, providing them with the knowledge and guidance necessary to deal with such emergency situations.

Genetic Diversity Preserves the Future of the Environment
The second session on the third day of the forum featured a series of discussions and presentations centered around the importance of conserving genetic diversity for species and their role in sustaining the future of endangered ecosystems in the region. This session was dedicated to exploring the latest advanced endeavors and applications implemented in genetics for conservation, as highlighted by goal number 4 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

The session began with a short introduction on the conservation of genetic diversity, then esteemed experts highlighted the importance of genetic diversity as a basic pillar in conserving biodiversity in its broadest sense, emphasising its role in ensuring the health and resilience of ecosystems. The session also included several papers on the in-depth exploration of genetic performance cards, an assessment tool presented by experts and designed to help monitor genetic diversity. These cards can provide a comprehensive assessment of the genetic health of species, thereby guiding conservation strategies, especially regarding identifying vulnerable groups and implementing breeding and re-introduction programmes.
February 07, 2024 / 5:10 PM

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