

Eastern Police launches 2nd “Secure and Safe Tourism”

November 26, 2023 / 10:44 PM
Sharjah24: On Sunday, the Eastern Police Department held a press conference at Khorfakkan's Al Rabi Tower to launch the second edition of the "Secure and Safe Tourism" campaign.
The event was attended by Brigadier Ahmed Haji Al Sarkal, Director General of Police Operations at the Sharjah Police General Command; Colonel Dr Ali Al Kai Al Hamoudi, Director of the Sharjah Police's Eastern Region Police Department; Khalid Jassim Al Midfa, Chairman of the Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA); and a number of police leaders, directors, and representatives from government departments and institutions.

Sharjah Police, in partnership with Khorfakkan Sports and Cultural Club, organized a sporting event on the mountain track of Al Rabi Tower to coincide with the campaign's inauguration. Scores of participants took part in the event. A diversified exhibition was also organized by a variety of government departments and institutes.

Colonel Al Hamoudi told Sharjah 24 that the campaign was launched for the second consecutive year on the directives of Major General Saif Ziri Al Shamsi, Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police.

He added that the campaign seeks to increase security presence at tourist destinations and facilities, provide an ideal environment for travellers, and promote awareness of wrongdoings that may expose offenders to violations.
November 26, 2023 / 10:44 PM

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