

ERPD honours citizen for reporting assault

November 11, 2023 / 6:41 PM
Sharjah24: Colonel Dr Ali Al-Kai Al-Hamoudi, Director of the Eastern Region Police Department (ERPD), honoured the citizen Ahmad Yousif Abdullah for reporting an assault that had taken place.
Al-Hamoudi praised Abdullah for his security sense and community responsibility and said that his actions were a valuable contribution to the fight against crime.

This honour came within the methodology of the General Command of Sharjah Police in appreciating those who cooperate with it from members of the community and activating the role of community partnership with police officers. 

Ahmad Yousif Abdullah expressed his gratitude for the recognition and emphasised that protecting one's country is an obligation shared by all citizens and permanent residents. 
November 11, 2023 / 6:41 PM

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