

Nathalie Kennedy expresses her delight to visit EIF Sharjah

October 25, 2023 / 8:02 PM
Sharjah 24: On the sidelines of her visit to “Ecole Internationale Française de Sharjah” (EIF Sharjah) – (French International Private School in Sharjah), Nathalie Kennedy, Consul General of France in Dubai and Northern Emirates, expressed her delight to visit the school and interact with the students.
In exclusive statements to “Sharjah 24,” she added that this not the first time that she visited the school, highlighting that such visits are always a pleasure as she meets the pupils, and talks to them during their lessons. 

She maintained that the school is lovely with great surroundings, stressing that she was always well received, and she is happy to visit the school again.
October 25, 2023 / 8:02 PM

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