

SCI receives donations for "Compassion for Gaza" campaign

October 17, 2023 / 5:28 PM
Sharjah24: In cooperation with the Big Heart Foundation, the Department of Suburbs and Villages Affairs, and in coordination with the Sharjah Volunteer Center, the Sharjah International Charity (SIC) announced the reception of donations from benefactors wishing to participate in “Compassion for Gaza” campaign through several main locations in the city of Sharjah, the Central Region, and the Eastern Region, in light of the preparations to provide urgent relief packages to the affected Palestinians.
The SCI's executive director, Abdullah Sultan bin Khadim, stated: "We call on all benefactors to support in "Compassion for Gaza" campaign, which carries many meanings and connotations and confirms the UAE's efforts, through its charitable institutions, to provide various forms of urgent humanitarian support."

Bin Khadem added that the campaign continues to receive donations from benefactors from eight in the morning until nine at night, starting today, “Wednesday,” until 10/26/2023, while the SCI has made it possible to receive cash donations through the donation methods available on the website, which include credit cards and donations. Via Apple, Samsung Pay, bank transfer, and SMS, the SCI receives public calls and inquiries through the hotline 80014.
October 17, 2023 / 5:28 PM

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