

Up to 10 killed as blast rips through mosque in Afghan capital

April 29, 2022 / 7:42 PM
Onlookers walk next to an ambulance carrying victims near the site of a blast in Kabul
Sharjah 24 – AFP: A blast ripped through a mosque in the Afghan capital on Friday, killing up to 10 people, an interior ministry official said.
A wave of deadly bombings has rocked the country in the last two weeks of the fasting month of Ramadan -- some claimed by the “Daesh” group -- killing dozens of civilians.

"The blast occurred two hours after Friday prayers as worshippers were performing rituals," interior ministry deputy spokesman Bismillah Habib told AFP, adding at least 15 people were injured.

Bloodied victims of the explosion were ferried in ambulances to a hospital in central Kabul, an AFP correspondent reported.

Taliban fighters at the hospital refused to allow journalists access to the facility.

April 29, 2022 / 7:42 PM

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