

Visitors continue to flock to EBF as 2nd edition draws to close

April 24, 2022 / 3:18 PM
During the event
Sharjah 24: Absorbed in focused reading or animatedly discussing books with each other, visitors to the Emirati Book Fair (EBF) can be seen exploring shelves stacked with titles by Emirati authors well into the final hours of the second edition, which concludes on Sunday, April 24.
The Sharjah Book Authority (SBA) headquarters in Al Zahia was transformed into a haven for book-lovers as the fair got underway with latest books released by local publishers on display and enlightening panel discussions held on the sidelines of the event. 

Visitors left with bags filled with the written word, excited about expanding their personal libraries with works by established and emerging Emirati writers.
April 24, 2022 / 3:18 PM

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