

SIMSC authorises kayak challenge at Al Rafisah Dam

March 02, 2022 / 5:51 PM
Sharjah24: The Board of Directors of the Sharjah International Marine Sports Club (SIMSC) convened on a regular schedule, chaired by Khalid bin Jassim Al Midfa, Chairman of the Board of Directors, in the presence of all members.
During the meeting, several key topics concerning the club's activities in the coming term were addressed and decisions were reached.

Al Midfa expressed his heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to His Highness Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, for his extraordinary efforts in developing the emirate's cities and establishing projects that support the club's activities and promote sports tourism.

The council addressed the club's involvement in Sharjah Heritage Days activities and authorized a proposal to hold a kayak challenge for men and women at the Rafisah Dam in Khorfakkan, as well as to outline the competition's rules and regulations.
March 02, 2022 / 5:51 PM

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