

Ali Al Midfa: Our goal is to compete for all sports titles

February 16, 2022 / 1:08 PM
Sharjah24: His Excellency Ali Salem Al Midfa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sharjah Sports Club, praised the positive results at the level of all sports teams in the club, pointing to the series of victories achieved by the first football team, and the occupation of the Sunni stages teams in advanced positions in the standings table.
This came in the periodic meeting of the Sharjah Sports Club Board of Directors, which was chaired by His Excellency Ali Salem Al Midfa, in the presence of the members of the Board of Directors at the club's headquarters in Samnan, on Tuesday evening, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors stressed the need for concerted efforts in all departments.

His Excellency also commended the public role and the positive imprint of loyal people towards supporting the club, whether on the stands or social networking sites, and stressed that the club continues the same approach and policy in supporting the fans and meeting their desires, and the Board of Directors is proud of these efforts and sincere work.

The meeting discussed several topics on the agenda. The Board of Directors reviewed the financial and administrative report presented by His Excellency Sultan Al Askar, Head of the Financial and Administrative Affairs Department, while His Excellency Ibrahim Al Jarwan, Chairman of the Investment and Commercial Development Company at Sharjah Sports Club, reviewed the latest developments in investment projects and their follow-up.
February 16, 2022 / 1:08 PM

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