

Sharjah children are introduced to environmental sustainability

November 11, 2021 / 3:43 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Children, an affiliated of the Rubu’ Qarn Foundation for Creating Leaders and Innovators, organised a training course entitled "Sustainable Energy and Energy Types", as part of the "Sustainability" programme with the slogan "Green Footprint". The training course was held remotely using "TEAMS", and targets 6012-yearl-old children.
During the training course, children learned about the importance of sustainable energy, energy types, the difference between each type of energy, as well as the role they play in preserving the environment, being a basic pillar of sustainability.

In addition, children were introduced to the fields where energy is used and the benefits to the environment; the methods and systems of using each type of energy.

Children  also learned about the UAE's pioneering efforts towards diversifying energy sources.

On the practical side, children participated in workshops on recycling skills, whereas they were able to transform scientific ideas about energy sources into innovative works of art using various materials from environmental waste of scientific and practical benefit.

Sharjah children, through this programme, seeks to develop scientific side of affiliates, raise their awareness on clean energy and the diversity of sources, as well as develop their abilities to preserve and sustain the environment, and introduce them to the impact of climate change on future generations. 
November 11, 2021 / 3:43 PM

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