

SSSD launches the 16 volunteer harvest virtually for children

July 05, 2021 / 12:30 AM
Sharjah24: The activities of the 16th edition of the virtual harvest volunteer Camp have been launched, targeting children from 6 to 12 years old, with the aim of developing their skills, continues until the 15th of this month, and for the second year in a row, the Community Cohesion Department of the Sharjah Social Services Department (SSSD) in continues to organise this initiative by default due to the Corona pandemic, from 10am until 12pm, and participation takes place through the visual technical communication application “Zoom”.
The camp aims to develop children's skills through a range of fields represented in volunteering, organisation, teamwork, team communication, sustainable environment, initiative, creativity, innovation, commitment, moral intelligence and other constructive values included in the camp.

The camp deals with a number of programmes, foremost of which comes volunteering and its great value in the lives of children and the importance of its effects on the individual and society, in addition to the importance of volunteering in making others happy, to enhancing the value of the initiative and helping others.

Hessa Al Hammadi, Director of the Family Cohesion Department, said that the camp focuses on promoting many values in the lives of our children and formulating them in the form of daily virtual visits, a phone call with a sick or elderly family member and relatives, or training workshops.

Al Hammadi called on parents to register their children in the camp to benefit from the various programmes, and also thanked the parties participating in the camp activities.

The Director of the Community Cohesion Department called on parents to register their children through the electronic platform of the Sharjah Volunteer Center on the department's website https://sssd.shj.ae/volunteers/opportunity_details/3663.
July 05, 2021 / 12:30 AM

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