

Bahrain congratulates UAE on its election to UN Security Council

June 11, 2021 / 11:48 PM
Sharjah 24 - BNA: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the pride of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s leadership and people, and its sincere congratulations to the United Arab Emirates on the occasion of its election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2022-2023.
The Ministry extended congratulations to the UAE leadership and people on this historic diplomatic achievement that reflects the country’s tireless to strengthen efforts to bring peace and security to the world.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed the Kingdom of Bahrain's support for the United Arab Emirates in its work as a member of the UN Security Council, praising the prominent role it plays in promoting international stability, security and peace, and its permanent contributions to supporting humanitarian and development programmes in many countries of the world.
June 11, 2021 / 11:48 PM

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