

SC educates its members about environmental sustainability

May 27, 2021 / 4:40 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Children (SC), affiliated to the Rubu' Qarn Foundation for Creating Future Leaders and Innovators, launched on May, within the science and technology track, the first level of its new programme on sustainability, held remotely through visual communication technology (Microsoft Teams).
The programme targets children in the age group of 6-12 years, with the aim of raising their awareness on how to conserve and sustain the environment.

The programme includes a set of seminars, virtual trips, and scientific workshops in the field of sustainable agriculture and its role in preserving the environment. 

The programme started with courses that included a group of workshops, including: Two workshops held in cooperation with the Department of Municipalities Affairs, Agriculture and Livestock in Sharjah, aiming to promote the concepts of environmental sustainability and methods of preserving it among children, educating them about the importance of planting plants and trees and ways to care for them.

It is noteworthy that the sustainability programme aims to develop the scientific side of children, develop their knowledge in ways of preserving the environment and its sustainability, introduce them to modern agricultural methods and their importance in food security, and introduce the effects of climate change on future generations.
May 27, 2021 / 4:40 PM

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