

American University of Sharjah holds Fourth (ICCSPA’20)

March 17, 2021 / 1:42 PM
Sharjah24: Renowned academics and industry experts from across the world are presenting their latest research findings at the Fourth International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing and their Applications (ICCSPA’20) organized by American University of Sharjah (AUS). The three-day conference, being held virtually from March 16 to 18, aims to provide practitioners and researchers a forum for discussion and to share their work and ideas with participants.
The event, which was last held in 2019 at AUS, covers a wide range of topics related to areas of communications and signal processing, such as 6G networks, vehicular communications and autonomous cars, Internet of Things (IoT), navigation technologies, applications of artificial intelligence, image and video processing and biomedical applications, among many others. Papers from 20 countries including the USA, UAE, Finland, Japan, Egypt, UK, Brazil and others are being presented at the conference, as well as four keynote addresses by distinguished speakers in the field. Participants are also able to attend various panel sessions, a special IoT demonstration from Canada, a number of tutorials and an exciting student poster competition.

“This is the fourth edition of the conference that was established at AUS back in 2013. Organising this international conference to disseminate the latest research activities in the areas of communications and signal processing is aligned with our university’s strategic goal of promoting innovation and advanced research. This event provides a venue for promoting collaboration among local and international researchers as well as inspires students to pursue careers involving advanced research,” said Professor Mohamed El-Tarhuni, Conference Co-chair and Vice Provost for Graduate Studies at AUS.

Founded by AUS, the conference this year has been organized by AUS faculty members from the Department of Electrical Engineering in collaboration with researchers from Canada and Finland.

Professor Aboelmagd Noureldin, Conference Co-chair and a faculty member at Queen’s University and the Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC), said:

“ICCSPA has continued to grow in its fourth cycle, despite the unprecedented circumstances around COVID-19, to attract many high-quality submissions and stimulate cutting-edge research discussions among many academic pioneering researchers and scientists worldwide. ICCSPA will grow further in future years and will continue to offer a unique opportunity for networking and exchange of knowledge.” 

Renowned for promoting advanced research activities in the country and beyond, this conference is yet another manifestation of AUS’s commitment to providing a venue for collaboration and discussions between researchers and academics from across the globe. 

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest professional association, are technical sponsors of the conference. 

March 17, 2021 / 1:42 PM

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