

US affirms readiness for return to nuclear deal with Iran

March 05, 2021 / 6:55 PM
Sharjah 24 – KUNA: The United States on Thursday stressed that it is prepared to return to the nuclear agreement with Iran through involvement in a purposeful diplomacy, in close coordination with its allies.

This came during a speech delivered by Charge d'Affaires Louis L. Bono of the US Mission to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Louis L. Bono on the sidelines of the discussion of the IAEA Council of Governors of the 6th item on the verification and monitoring in Iran.

As President Biden has made clear, the United States, in close coordination with our allies and partners, is ready to reengage in meaningful diplomacy to achieve a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA, a key achievement of multilateral diplomacy, and a vital instrument in addressing the international community's longstanding concerns with Iran's nuclear program, he noted. "We hope that Iran will agree to begin necessary discussions on a diplomatic way forward without delay. We have much hard work ahead of us. Toaccomplish it, confidence must be rebuilt - in Washington, in Tehran, and elsewhere. 

In this context, Iran's steps toward reducing cooperation with the IAEA, including under its Additional Protocol, are troublesome and counterproductive." Bono said that the United States extends its appreciation to the Director General, the Deputy Director General for Safeguards, and their team for their continued dedication and professionalism in carrying out the Agency's critical responsibilities in Iran. "We welcome the Director General's February 23 report on verification and monitoring in Iran. The Director General's thorough, factual, and timely reporting on Iran remains essential for international confidence," he added. 

He hailed IAEA Director General Grossi and his team for their tireless efforts to engage Tehran in maintaining necessary cooperation, most recently in his trip to Tehran just over a week ago. He noted the announcement of a temporary technical arrangement regarding certain verification and monitoring measures. Iran's steps to limit the IAEA's verification and monitoring activities at this time of renewed diplomatic opportunity will only make it harder to re-establish a pragmatic diplomacy, he concluded.

March 05, 2021 / 6:55 PM

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