

Police Sciences Academy Honours 2023 Research Award Winners

May 22, 2024 / 4:20 PM
Sharjah24: Dr. Mohammed Khamis Al Othmani, Director General of the Police Science Academy in Sharjah, announced the hosting of an award ceremony to honour the winners of the 4th cycle of the Police Sciences Academy Award for Scientific Research in 2023, which included 36 scientific research papers across various disciplines.
In exclusive statements to "Sharjah 24", Dr. Al-Othmani emphasised the meticulousness of the arbitration process. Out of the submitted research, 26 were selected for the final competition, with 11 advancing to the final arbitration stage. External arbitrators were engaged to ensure transparency and impartial evaluation.

He elaborated on the three primary award categories: Individual, Joint, and Institutional levels. The submitted research papers, both applied and academic, aim to serve security and safety, covering various administrative and research sciences.

Dr. Saleh bin Salem Al-Habsi from the Royal Oman Police secured the first place in the Individual category with his research titled "An Action Plan to Confront Threats and Security Crimes Expected from Metaverse Technologies on University Students in the Sultanate of Oman."

In the Joint category, Colonel Omar Bakheet Al-Shouq and Dr. Ashraf Abdulqader Qandeel claimed the first position for their research titled "The Role of Security Analysts in Confronting Organised Crime."

Qatar Police Academy achieved the first place in the Institutional category for their research titled "Security Data and Knowledge Management in the Digital Environment."

Al-Othmani highlighted the significance of this year's award, characterised by wide participation from Arab and international countries, enhancing the Academy's stature as a hub for knowledge and experience exchange in the security domain, and underlining the pivotal role of scientific research in addressing contemporary security challenges.
May 22, 2024 / 4:20 PM

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