

Sharjah Youth Launch Pioneering Scientific Research Programmes

May 22, 2024 / 10:51 AM
Sharjah24: The Rubu Qarn Centre for Life Skills has launched a series of Scientific Research Skills programmes, organized by Sharjah Youth and Sajaya Young Ladies of Sharjah, both affiliated with the Rubu' Qarn Foundation for Creating Leaders and Innovators. These programmes are designed for the members of the Sharjah Youth Consultative Council during its eighth session, in collaboration with the Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development at the University of Sharjah.
These unique training programmes in scientific research skills reflect the strategic vision of the Rubu' Qarn Foundation, "A Community Partner in Building Conscious and Influential Generations." They emphasise the Foundation's efforts to develop the personal skills of the Sharjah Youth Consultative Council members, enhance their research and analytical capabilities, and deepen their understanding of issues to identify key causes and resulting impacts. The aim is to produce findings and recommendations that contribute to the local and UAE community.

Dr. Asmaa Nusairi, the Director of the Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development praised the leading role of the Rubu' Qarn Foundation in preparing conscious generations by equipping them with essential scientific, life, and personal skills for the future. She commended the participation of an elite group of youth in these advanced programmes, stating, "The scientific research programmes are a golden opportunity for the members of the Sharjah Youth Consultative Council, as they are among the first to participate in such programmes, offered for the first time in the UAE for this age group. Additionally, scientific research is crucial across various sectors, enabling them to excel in their university studies."

Dr. Nusairi added, "Through these programmes, we aim to empower the youth affiliated with the Rubu' Qarn institutions to master scientific research skills and apply them to fulfill the vision of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah in graduating promising and loyal generations equipped with knowledge and understanding."

The programmes are conducted from May 18 to June 23, 2024, over 20 training hours, with sessions held for three hours on Saturdays and Sundays each week. In the first programme, members received interactive and distinguished training from Dr. Asma Al Saadi, Assistant Professor at the University of Sharjah. The programme, titled "The Importance and Objectives of Scientific Research," introduced participants to the concept and significance of scientific research on both personal and community levels. It also covered the fundamentals of conducting field research and studies, marking a crucial step toward qualifying youth for sustainable development.

Additionally, members of the Sharjah Youth Consultative Council learned data collection, classification, analysis, and discussion skills through intensive workshops and interactive sessions, resulting in recommendations and proposals that enable them to positively impact the community.

With the growing emphasis on scientific research and its pivotal role in societal development, initiatives like those offered by the Rubu' Qarn Foundation stand out. They provide an educational environment that fosters creativity and innovation, contributing to the preparation of future leaders capable of facing upcoming challenges.

Members of the Sharjah Youth Consultative Council expressed their delight in participating in these programmes, highlighting the numerous benefits and diverse skills gained. They noted that the skills acquired would enrich their future sessions and constructive discussions with senior officials and decision-makers.
May 22, 2024 / 10:51 AM

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